District Planning
Riesel ISD is committed to forethought and making data-informed decisions. Click on the topics below to read more about our planning and initiatives.
- Community Input & Feedback
- District Improvement Plan
- District of Innovation
- Parent and Family Engagement Connection
Community Input & Feedback
Riesel ISD is committed to a partnership with vested community members.
Through committees, community and staff surveys, anecdotal feedback, and professional development involvement, Riesel’s Board of Trustees and administration are able to respond to urgent needs, concerns, public opinion, staff requests, and the changing educational environments in a responsible, comprehensive and prudent manner.
Board of Trustees (School Board)
The seven-member Riesel ISD Board of Trustees is our district’s policy-making body, and meets monthly at minimum. The RISD Board works with the superintendent and staff to set the direction of the school district with the education and well-being of school children as its primary focus. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, hiring and evaluating the superintendent, establishing the tax rate, adopting the district vision statement, adopting the budget, collaborating with the superintendent and adopting policy. The board consists of seven trustees serving terms of three years, with elections held annually. Click here for more information about the RISD School Board.
Superintendent Advisory Committee
This District-level committee advises the superintendent in establishing and reviewing the District’s educational goals, objectives, and major District-wide classroom instructional. The committee shall serve exclusively in an advisory role except that the committee shall approve staff development of a District-wide nature. This committee also assists with the formation of the school calendar and maintaining the District Improvement Plan.
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
Through collaboration, commitment, diversity, respect, and accountability, the campus and district PTA’s bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth; and develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education. Click here for more PTA information.
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
Comprised of parents, community members, and staff, the SHAC ensures that local community values are reflected in the District’s health education instruction, reviews the amount and level of physical activity, including recess provided to elementary and middles school students, develops nutrition guidelines and wellness goals, and recommends the appropriate grade levels and methods of instruction for human sexuality instruction. Click here for more SHAC information.
School Safety & Security Committee
Provides District with support services information, participates in developing and implementing emergency plans, and provides oversight for emergency response operations. Includes local police officers, and representatives from the District in the areas of public relations, hazard materials/maintenance, technology, safety, and emergency management.
Surveys and Focus Groups
At both the district and campus levels, RISD regularly uses online tools like forms and surveys to gather input for decisions and feedback of programs and initiatives. This data is important for serving our community’s priorities and we encourage your participation in every form, survey or focus group.
District Improvement Plan
District of Innovation
Riesel ISD is a TEA District of Innovation until 2027.
H.B. 1842 (84th Session of the Texas Legislature) in part amended Chapter 12 of the Texas Education Code (TEC) to create Districts of Innovation. Districts are eligible for designation if certain performance requirements are met and the district follows certain procedures for adoption as outlined in Statute. The designation provides the district will be exempt from certain sections of the TEC that inhibit the goals of the district as outlined in the locally adopted Innovation Plan.
View Riesel ISD's District of Innovation Plan 2022-2027.
Archive: District of Innovation Plan 2017-2022
Data shows that the pandemic has had a significant impact on student learning, both across the country and in Riesel ISD.
The American Rescue Plan signed into law in March by President Joe Biden included $122 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds for school districts across the country, which is the single largest investment in federal elementary and secondary education in the nation’s history. Riesel ISD has applied for and expects to receive about $685,000 in ESSER III funding, which is intended to help reopen schools, accelerate learning and mitigate learning loss.
ESSER provides resources for critical one-time investments, time-limited programming to respond to the pandemic, and innovation that can redefine student learning, acceleration, and development.
Maintaining Health and Safety
To reduce the risk of transmission, Riesel ISD plans the following mitigation strategies for the 2021-2022 school year:
- Optional wearing of masks
- The use of assigned seating, cohorts, and podding when appropriate
- Proper hand washing encouraged
- Hand sanitizer available
- Targeted cleaning as appropriate
- Positive cases will be reported to the local health department.
- Appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities as identified in the student’s Individualized Education Program
Ensuring Continuity of Services
Riesel ISD will continue to take appropriate actions to ensure continuity of services to students. These actions will focus on addressing students' academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. Proposed plans to provide a continuity of services are as follows:
- Increase Response to Intervention Classes
- Professional Development for Educators
- Summer School
- Instructional Materials
- Tutorials
- Increased Counseling
- See the RISD Use of ESSER III Funds Plan for further details. Please click the icon below to read RISD's Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services.
'22-23 RIPIC '22-23 RIPIC (SPANISH)
Opportunity for Public Comment
During the development of the plan, a community survey was disseminated with valued input from students, parents, staff, and community members. Needs were then prioritized. The draft plan was presented to the public through the Board of Trustees Meeting held on Monday, July 19, 2021. All feedback will be considered in revising the draft plan. Such revisions will occur prior to the application of ESSER III funds.
January 2022 Update: A community survey was disseminated for input from students, parents, staff, and community members. All feedback was reviewed to update the plan and presented to the public through the Board of Trustees Meeting held on Monday, January 20, 2022.
June 2022 Update: A community survey was disseminated for input from students, parents, staff, and community members. All feedback was reviewed to update the plan and presented to the public through the Board of Trustees Meeting held on Monday, July 18, 2022.
January 2023 Update: A community survey was disseminated for input from students, parents, staff, and community members. All feedback was reviewed to update the plan and presented to the public through the Board of Trustees Meeting held on Monday, January 23, 2023.
July 2023 Update: A community survey was disseminated for input from students, parents, staff, and community members. All feedback was reviewed to update the plan and presented to the public through the Board of Trustees Meeting held on Monday, January 24, 2023.
Periodic Review and Revision of the Plan
During the period in which ESSER IIII funds are available, RISD will review and revise the plan at least every six months. These revisions will take into account parent and community feedback, as well as updated guidance from the Texas Education Agency.
For the Public
Riesel ISD has taken the following steps to ensure availability of the plan to families and the community:
- This draft plan is posted on the RISD website
- This plan may be translated orally by request. Please contact Christina Flores to request a translation here or at 254-896-5000. Si necesita este documento traducido, comuníquese con Christina Flores al 254-896-5000.
- A parent who is an individual with a disability as defined by the ADA may request the plan in an alternative format. Please contact Christina Flores to make such a request here or 254-896-5000.
Parent and Family Engagement Connection
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) provides annual academic accountability ratings to its public schools each year. These ratings are primarily based on student performance on standardized tests and graduation rates. The ratings offer a general look at student achievement, student progress, achievement gaps, and secondary readiness.
For more information about all things TEA, Texas accountability, and more about public education, view the TEA website.
Campus Improvement Plans
District Reports
- 2021-2022 Annual Report
Includes: Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR), PEIMS Financial Standards, District Accreditation, Campus Performance Objectives, Report on Violent Incidents, Student Postsecondary Performance, HB 3 Goals - Riesel ISD's Profile on TexasSchools.Gov
- 2022-2023 District Improvement Plan
Federal Report Cards