Riesel ISD is a closed district. For any media-related questions, please contact the Superintendent's Office directly. Campus and department personnel are instructed to forward all inquiries to the Superintendent's Office.
- Sports reporters may opt to arrange interviews through the Athletic Director.
- The Superintendent's secretary is the Election Officer and the primary contact for election information.
Under no circumstances are the media allowed on campuses or in district buildings without authorization from the Superintendent or a designated representative. Reporters may not approach a student, staff, or parent for an unscheduled interview while on district property.
This extends to school buses or other forms of district transportation. For footage of campus buildings, students, staff or parents, submit a request to the Superintendent's Office so arrangements can be made. There are two important reasons for these limitations:
(1) Federal law requires the district to ensure that any child videotaped or photographed has a current media authorization form on file. This is to protect our students' privacy and safety.
(2) The main priority on every campus is the education of our children. Media on campus can be a considerable distraction to both students and staff. District representatives will endeavor to work with our media partners to supply what is needed to disseminate news to stakeholders without disrupting the educational process. Testing will not be interrupted under any circumstances.
Above all, we strive to provide an environment conducive to learning by minimizing interruptions and maintaining the privacy and safety of our students. Media partners will help uphold these goals by complying with these procedures and ensuring positive, successful communications.
Transparent communication with RISD constituents is a top priority for the district.
The Riesel ISD superintendent is the district's Public Information Officer, handling public information requests and crisis communications.